Privacy Policy

The company GmbH (ERS) in Winterthur built the Magician’s Curse: a cooperative puzzle game that works together with the free app “Immersive Escape”.

This Ser­vice is provided by ERS at no cost and is in­ten­ded for use as is. This text is used to in­form app users re­gard­ing our policies with the col­lec­tion, use, and dis­clos­ure of Per­sonal In­form­a­tion if any­one de­cides to use our Ser­vice. If you choose to use our Ser­vice, then you agree to the col­lec­tion and use of in­form­a­tion in re­la­tion to this policy.

In­form­a­tion Col­lec­tion and Use

While us­ing our Ser­vice, we do not re­quire you to provide us with any per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­form­a­tion, such as a name or an e-​mail ad­dress. The Ser­vice does use third party ser­vices that may col­lect an­onym­ous in­form­a­tion about how you in­ter­act with the Ser­vice. Such data may be used purely for re­search pur­poses and will not be shared with third parties.

Ser­vice Pro­viders

We may em­ploy third-​party com­pan­ies and in­di­vidu­als due to the fol­low­ing reas­ons:
To fa­cil­it­ate our Ser­vice;
To provide the Ser­vice on our be­half;
To per­form Service-​related ser­vices; or
To as­sist us in ana­lyz­ing how our Ser­vice is used to con­duct re­search.

Log Data

We want to in­form you that whenever you use our Ser­vice, in a case of an er­ror in the app we may col­lect data and in­form­a­tion (through third party products) on your device called Log Data. This Log Data may in­clude in­form­a­tion such as your device In­ter­net Pro­tocol (“IP”) ad­dress, device name, op­er­at­ing sys­tem ver­sion, the con­fig­ur­a­tion of the app when util­iz­ing our Ser­vice, the time and date of your use of the Ser­vice, and other stat­ist­ics.


We value your trust in provid­ing us your an­onym­ous in­form­a­tion, thus we are striv­ing to use com­mer­cially ac­cept­able means of pro­tect­ing it. But re­mem­ber that no method of trans­mis­sion over the In­ter­net, or method of elec­tronic stor­age is 100% se­cure and re­li­able, and we can­not guar­an­tee its ab­so­lute se­cur­ity.

Links to Other Sites

This Ser­vice may con­tain links to web­sites. If you click on a third-​party link, you will be dir­ec­ted to that site. Note that these ex­ternal sites are not op­er­ated by us. There­fore, we strongly ad­vise you to re­view the Pri­vacy Policy of these web­sites. We have no con­tro­l over and as­sume no re­spons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent, pri­vacy policies, or prac­tices of any third-​party sites or ser­vices.

Changes to This Pri­vacy Policy

We may up­date our Pri­vacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are ad­vised to re­view this text peri­od­ic­ally for any changes. These changes are ef­fect­ive im­me­di­ately after this text is up­dated.

Con­tact Us

If you have any ques­tions or sug­ges­tions about our Pri­vacy Policy, do not hes­it­ate to con­tact us at